I can't believe we're already through January of 2025....
Talk about quantum leaping...
Las year I've lived a million lives,
with each of them I've died a thousand times.
Year of the dragon, year of closing out your karma spinning the wheel for Dharma.
I've loved and I've lost. I've went inwards and seeds have been sown.
I learned to truly put myself above anyone and anything else.
I've learned to love myself in the most ways I've ever loved myself before.
I've learned to pursue my dreams and my passions.
I've learned to let go.
I've learned to grow.
With finding the courage and bravery to honor myself and to hold boundaries, I've grieved a million lives to grieve.
In learning to prioritize my peace, I've learned to prioritize myself.
Dropping everything that I've built everything that I've created, burning it all down, moving it across the country and starting all over again was not easy. There's been so many days where I felt alone... so many days where I was crying and dealing with those growing pains, but they've made me so much stronger. I've truly and wholly come into myself, come back home to myself and learned to trust and honor myself first, above all else.
Not a single thing has gone the way it's been planned and I wouldn't have it any other way.
This is just my path. This is just my journey. It doesn't have to look a certain way. It doesn't have to follow what everyone else is doing. It doesn't have to abide to society's standards...
I'm built different.
I know now that everything that I've overcome is preparing me, so that I can show others how to overcome their adversity in their lives; that I can lead into New Earth.
I can be a positive influence for rebuilding a new world, and although I may never see that world, I'm doing my part planting these seeds and it's part of my soul's purpose.
Guiding others is is part of my soul's purpose and having these harsh experiences is showing me how to be more efficient and to do it in a better way.
I'm really excited to see where 2025 takes me.Everything I've learned will not be taken in vain.
Now that I've replanted my roots, now that I have started my life over again, 2025 is the year for me to call my community to find my people.
So for those of you who are crazy enough to dare to be different, who are crazy enough to try to make the world a better place despite all of the the vast grievances humanity is facing, I'm here for you.
We can do this together.
And while I don't really subscribe to New Year's, as the new year actually begins in the springtime with the Aries season, this collective energy is the perfect time to purge, release, and let go and set the foundations for what is to come.
If you've made it through this year with me in any way shape or form, thank you, from all of my heart.
I love you all so much 🩵