I'm shifting how I create content and show up for others.
Yes I will still be tattooing, yes I will still be sharing my tattoo content, but the tattoos are just one small fraction of who I am and what I do for others.
I've sort of closeted myself off from expressing the other aspects of my soul's work... Forcing myself to keep these things separated, when in reality it's all connected. Showing up in podcasts, interviews, and other private spaces to compartmentalize my purpose.
The last 24 hours since showing up in this way I've already received unwarranted messages of division and projection, illuminating how important this work actually is, because there is so much that needs to be healed in our society.
You only attract haters when you're doing something right and speaking your truth.
If you're not ruffling feathers, you're simply not being honest and authentic with yourself, because if everything you speak is constantly in agreement with everyone around you, there's a disconnect there.
We're not all meant to agree on everything, that's impossible, we all have our own journey, path, and experiences that shape our perspectives and outlooks on this life.
I will be producing all sorts of long form content on my YouTube: sacredrebeltattoo
Please also consider joining my Patreon (there is a free membership option) because I will be slowly migrating off of this platform.
This will not be limited to Tarot, but also will be reflections of my story and how it shaped who I am re-becoming through my experiences.
Our journey is no one else's, it is our journey back home to ourselves.
There is no time to waste, there is no time like the present.
Be authentic and show up as the gift you're meant to be.